Sunday 17 March 2013

Boots On Again

That's walking boots, not wellies!

I have been all too aware that I have not been dividing up my time very well in the past few months. Refurbishment work at Loch View has taken precedence over almost everything else, and certainly the hills and coasts of Skye have not seen my presence for several months.

With Loch View now substantially finished, I was determined to get back to having fairly regular forays onto the moors, and with the weather yesterday being especially pleasant, I decided that the beds in the allotment could wait for another day to be dug over, and I set off with my Garmin and my camera.

I didn't go far - I'm a bit out of condition for tough walking - but one doesn't need to climb much of a hill to get great views or go many miles away from a road to see places that almost no human ever visits. So here are a couple of my pictures from yesterday, taken near Balmeanach, about 5 miles from Roskhill Barn.

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